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function unitの例文


  • For the previous example, the parallel technique duplicates each function units into another two.
  • One of them is delay slots, the programmer visible operation latency of the function units.
  • Accordingly, all the tasks can be operated upon by the duplicated function units with the same function simultaneously.
  • Lung Function Unit, Brompton Hospital, London, and UK Science Centre, IBM, Winchester Thorax 1984 39 : 93-100
  • That means that the " relative " distance between any one function unit and the global register file has grown over time.
  • The critical path, representing the minimum time required for processing a new sample, is limited by 1 multiplication and 2 add function units.
  • Each function unit may have an independent fully pipelined, a new operation that takes multiple clock cycles to finish can be started in every clock cycle.
  • This photograph is overdrawn with functional unit boundaries, which are also captioned by name, which reveals the breakdown of silicon area by function unit as follows:
  • They raised over ?00, 000 for a new lung function unit at the hospital, having raised ?32, 816 for Teenage Cancer Trust in the previous season.
  • On the contrary, encryption and security are inherently integrated in the crypto cloud computing based on the QDK . QDK authorized function units are bricks of crypto cloud computing.
  • In this architecture the radio function unit, also known as the remote radio head ( RRH ), is separated from the digital function unit, or baseband unit ( BBU ) by fiber.
  • In this architecture the radio function unit, also known as the remote radio head ( RRH ), is separated from the digital function unit, or baseband unit ( BBU ) by fiber.
  • In G80 / G90 / GT200, each Streaming Multiprocessor ( SM ) contains 8 Shader Processors ( SP, or Unified Shader, or CUDA Core ) and 2 Special Function Units ( SFU ).
  • Modern Graphics processing units provide specialised fixed function units called texture samplers or texture mapping units to perform texture mapping, usually with trilinear filtering or better multi-tap anisotropic filtering and hardware for decoding specific formats such as DXTn.
  • The function units provided were : branch, Boolean, shift, long integer add, floating-point add, floating-point divide, two floating-point multipliers, and two " increment " ( 18-bit integer add ) units.
  • In the resulting Second Shift form, named, it is equipped with a multi-function unit ( A . I . ), which has : a high-caliber charged particle cannon, an energy claw for close-quarters combat, and an energy shield with the One-Off ability.
  • Nvidia also changed the streaming multiprocessor design from that of Kepler ( SMX ), naming it SMM . The layout of SMM units is partitioned so that each of the four warp schedulers controls isolated FP32 CUDA cores, load / store units and special function units, unlike Kepler, where the warp schedulers share the resources.
  • :: : : Most modern " normal " computers have specialized circuitry ( digital function units inside the CPU ) to deal with the following types of data : whole numbers ( " int ), including negative numbers; numbers that represent fractions ( " float " ); numbers that represent locations inside the computer ( pointers ); and ( sometimes ) special circuitry for " characters "-numbers that directly map to the most common representation of letters and printable characters . ( There are variations, especially with regard to the accuracy and range of these values, depending on the kind of computer you have ).